When you own a home, getting home insurance is one of the most important things you can do to protect your home and your future. Home insurance offers you several different types of coverage all in one policy. All of these coverage types are important to have as a homeowner. If you don’t have the home insurance that you need to protect yourself, call us at AFI Insurance in Denver, CO to talk with an agent.
Coverage for Your House
The house itself generally represents your biggest investment. That’s why it’s so important to protect it financially. With home insurance, you get comprehensive coverage for the entire house. Your policy covers specific types of occurrences that can happen, such as accidents and disasters, and will pay for the house to be repaired or even rebuilt if the need arises. This protects you from having to come up with all of that money yourself. Major repairs after a covered incident can cost tens of thousands of dollars to repair- or even more. Protect yourself from these costs by having home insurance.
Protection for Your Possessions
Next to your home, your belongings may represent your second-biggest investment. When you add up the cost of everything that is in a home, the cost can be much higher than you’d think. Home insurance protects you against the loss of your possessions by covering them with a blanket of protection. If a covered incident happened and your items were damaged or even ruined or destroyed, your insurance policy can help you to replace those items without you having to pay for all of them yourself.
Stay Protected With Home Insurance
It’s important to always keep your home protected with home insurance. If you don’t have the insurance coverage you need, call us now at AFI Insurance in Denver, CO.