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Colorado Insurance Blog

Car Cleaning Tips for all Seasons in Denver, Colorado

Denver, Colorado has four distinct seasons, which is great for those who live there and love the beautiful summers and the cold, snowy winters. However, it’s not so great for resident’s automobiles, which take the brunt of the weather year-round. Because of this, it is important to keep your vehicle clean in Denver no matter what the season is. Below are tips for keeping your car clean in the Mile High City in all seasons of the year.


You need more light while driving in those winter storms in Denver. One easy way to do this is to clean the plastic covers over your headlights if they have become cloudy and oxidized. The best way to do this is the home recipe of adding toothpaste to a rag and scrubbing out the cloudiness. They will be as good as new and allow more light to come through during those snowy winter days.


Spring will bring showers in Denver, so it’s important to not only pay attention to the weather to not wash your vehicle until after the storms pass, but to also wax it a couple times with good car wax. This way, when it does inevitably rain again, you can just give your car a simple wash and the dirt will come right off without damaging the exterior.


The heat can cause your dashboards to weather inside the car, but this can be easily remedied with a damp cloth that will remove dust and grime or maybe a small amount of laundry detergent that will remove tougher stains.


It will start to be getting cool so washing your car may not be ideal. Instead, just use a couple soft cloths to wipe away any excess dust and pollen unless your car is incredibly dirty.

Keeping your car clean will also create less of a chance of you having an accident due to bad visibility out your windows, keeping you from having to tap into that auto insurance policy. If you don’t have auto insurance for your new, clean vehicle, look up a company like AFI insurance, who serves the greater Denver, Colorado area.

Things You Need To Know About Someone Before Letting Them Borrow Your Car

From time to time, you may be asked by a friend or family member if they can borrow your car. This is a question that you should not answer on a whim. You should know who is driving your car as well as some other pertinent information before giving them an answer. There are also some other things to consider. Before letting someone borrow your car, make sure that you know these things.

  • If someone asks to borrow your vehicle, you will want to ask them about their license and ensure that it is valid. If it is expired or suspended, you will not want to let them drive your vehicle.
  • Know about the driving history of the person before you let them drive your car. Find out about any issues they may have had in the past. Some of the things you will want to consider is whether or not they have had speeding tickets or accidents in recent years. This will give you a good indication or whether or not they will drive your car with care.
  • Make sure that they will be covered by your insurance in the case of an accident. You will want to check your current policy to ensure it is active and also ask them if they have their own policy. You can never have enough insurance protection when someone else is driving your car but you may be in trouble if there is no protection by your current policy. If they need to use your car often, you may even want to consider asking them to get their own policy or even adding them to yours.

Before letting someone borrow your car, contact AFI Insurance serving Denver, Colorado to ensure you have proper coverage. 

Why It Is Important To Develop Safe Driving Habits

It is so important to develop safe driving habits the moment you obtain your driver’s license, and even before. This will keep you and your family safer while you are out on the roads, and ensure that you are keeping the roads, in general, safer. Further, it can help to reduce the cost of your insurance by being accident-free.

Set a Good Example

You may have children and teens in your car from time to time. By developing safe driving habits, you are going to set a good example for them. They will know as they get older that it is important to buckle up and look both ways before turning.

Staying Safe

If you don’t develop safe driving habits, you can easily get into an accident. This could be a simple fender bender or something more serious. Many times, cars will change lanes without signaling or brake at the last moment, not giving the other cars on the road any indication as to what they are doing – and this can be extremely dangerous.

Practice makes perfect, and this means taking the time to practice and employ the safe driving habits every time you get behind the wheel.

The reality is, insurance premiums will go up when you don’t have a safe driving record. This means that you want to develop a safe driving habits so that you can avoid accidents with higher frequency – and save on your premiums at the same time.

At AFI Insurance, we want to do whatever is possible to help you find affordable insurance that fits your needs and your budget. Call us today and one of our agents will look forward to helping you every step of the way. This will ensure that you have the necessary coverage to be confident on the roads throughout Denver, Colorado.




Improving Your Winter Driving Skills

Driving in Englewood, Colorado can be a lot of fun, even during the winter months. It’s a good idea to learn how to improve your winter driving skills so that you can avoid an accident. More than 140,000 injuries occur every single year according to the US Department of Transportation as a result of weather-related accidents. You can avoid being one of these statistics by being a safer driver.

You have to keep your wits about you at all times. You never know when you’re going to encounter an issue, whether it’s a driver that’s been drinking too much, an animal that wants to dart across the highway, or a patch of ice.

If you are more alert, you can often avoid a collision. Statistically, approximately 80 percent of collisions can be prevented simply by watching what’s going on while driving.

It’s also wise to look at the equipment on your car to help you with driving skills. One of the biggest mistakes that owners of four-wheel drive vehicles make is that they think that’s all they need. While it can provide assistance with traction and getting through the snow, it’s not going to help with cornering or braking.

Snow tires, however, are thinner and designed for snow and ice on the roads. You can get the help with cornering as well as traction.

You never know what’s going to happen, so it’s also a good idea to load your car with jumper cables, a flashlight and extra batteries, as well as winter gear so you can stay warm while working on your car outdoors.

One of our agents at AFI Insurance can help you to improve your winter driving skills, get quotes on affordable insurance in Colorado, and much more. Call and begin asking the questions that you have today.




Car Care Tips For Colder Fall Weather

Denver, Colorado is known for cold weather. There are several car care tips that you can follow in order to prepare for all of the weather changes in the fall as well as preparing for the winter. The more you do now, the easier it will be to manage the weather changes as well as the road conditions as they happen.

Battery: Your battery needs to be replaced every few years because it doesn’t usually give any kind of warning sign of failing. You can also prepare for the colder weather by making sure that the connections are tight and clean.

Tires: There may be a lot of snow and ice on the ground. If your tires don’t have the right tire pressure and tread depth, it can be problematic. You may want to switch to special winter tires to be prepared.

Brakes: Have your brakes checked, including rotors and drums.

HVAC: Have an HVAC inspection conducted so that you know the heating system works properly.

Wiper Blades: Your windshield wipers are responsible for clearing ice, sleet, snow, rain, and more out of your viewing area. In the fall, you want to replace your wiper blade so that they are capable of wiping away everything so that you have a clear view.

It can be advantageous to talk to your local mechanic about a personalized schedule for your vehicle. This way, you will be able to ensure you’re bringing your car in for service whenever it is required.

At AFI Insurance, our agents are prepared to help you find a policy that works for the fall and the rest of the year. Call now and let us get you quotes to compare rates and learn about the options for coverage that can provide you with peace of mind when you drive around Denver, and beyond.



Teen Driving and Texting: Tips for Staying Safe

Denver, Colorado is not immune to the fatal statistics that are accompanied with teen driving and texting. Thousands of teens each year are injured or killed in a car accident in Colorado due to driving and texting at the same time. Fortunately, there are many tips that can be followed to help ensure your teen makes the right choice when it comes to sending a text behind the wheel. Here’s a quick look at these tips and some advice for keeping your teen safe when driving. 

Enforce a No Texting, No Driving Rule

If you don’t enforce a rule, then there’s nothing for your child to abide by. A no texting, no driving rule should be implemented for every driver in your family, and if anyone breaks it, their vehicle or phone should be taken away for a certain period of time. You can of course adjust the punishment more accordingly if these punishments don’t work well. Just remember, you are the number one example in your child’s life, so make sure you set a good one. 

Have Your Child Attend a Driving Course

If your teen driver has yet to complete a driving course, you should find one and see how you can enroll your child. All driving courses these days devote a portion of their teachings to texting and driving. Not only will your child learn about the laws regarding texting and driving, but he’ll also see the possible consequences of not abiding by these laws. 

To learn more about texting and driving and keeping your teen safe, visit the AFI Insurance website today. 

Never Drive Drowsy: Follow These Tips

Driving around in Denver, CO can be dangerous enough. It’s a metropolitan city with a significant amount of traffic on the roads. You never want to drive drowsy, as it can lead to several thousand crashes every year. Approximately 60% of licensed adult drivers have driven while they are drowsy, and 37% have fallen asleep at the wheel.

If you don’t want to become one of the statistics, there are some important tips that should be followed.

Get enough sleep the night before you are traveling; anywhere between 7-9 hours is desirable.

When you do get behind the wheel, ask yourself if you are awake enough. If you are constantly fighting the urge to fall asleep, you may want to have someone else drive you, or call a taxi to get you to where you need to go.

Any time that you are going on a long distance trip, whether it is across Colorado or across the country, you should take another licensed driver with you. This allows you to split the driving responsibilities and have someone to talk to.

You should also get the habit of taking a break every two hours or 100 miles, allowing you the time to stretch, and become more alert.

If you are driving along and feel like you are getting too drowsy, it’s best to stop at a rest area and take a 20 minute nap or check yourself into a hotel for the night.

You never know when something could happen on the roads. Even if you are a safe driver, you cannot be safe if you are drowsy and don’t have your full reaction time in place.

Call us at AFI Insurance today to learn about how to obtain affordable auto insurance in Denver, CO.


Car Insurance In Wheat Ridge: Shopping For Policies

Wheat Ridge is a growing city in Colorado with a population of more than 30,000 people. There is a big emphasis on community in the 80033 area, which is why it is able to attract the people it does. Various shopping centers and attractions are around the city and it is also home to the Carnation Festival every year.

When you are shopping for car insurance policies, it’s important to work with the best agents. We are individual agents, which allows us to work with multiple companies. You can rely on us to do the leg work for you so there is no need for you to do such. We can talk to you about what each company has to offer and what kind of coverage is best within your policy.

You want to make sure you look at going above the minimum required amount for the state of Colorado. The liability insurance that the state requires is going to cover you to some degree in the event of an accident, but perhaps not enough. If you exceed the liability insurance for property damage or personal injuries during an accident, you could be responsible for paying for the remainder out of pocket.

When our agents start to look for quotes, we look at:

– Liability coverage

– Comprehensive coverage

– Available discounts

– Overall cost of policies

Our goal is to help you find affordable car insurance in Wheat Ridge near Denver. You may be driving all over the 80033 ZIP code and beyond. You can never be too sure what will be encountered on the roads and therefore the policy needs to protect against virtually all of it.

Shopping for policies doesn’t have to be a time consuming task. Call and speak to one of our agents to get help with a policy in Colorado.

Can A Learner’s Permit Be Added To Car Insurance?

Denver, Colorado offers a number of benefits to residents. While property values can be higher than elsewhere in the state, the homes have mountainous landscapes which can be breathtaking. There are also many museums and galleries to visit and a number of events held throughout the city all year long.

When you have a learners permit, it is important that you obtain car insurance. You will be on the roads and therefore need coverage in the event there is an accident. Since you are labelled as a student driver, it is a good idea to have your permit added to the existing policy of a parent or guardian.

If you are this parent or guardian, insurance agents can help to ensure the permit is added without increasing the cost of your policy in Denver too dramatically. Discounts and other options can be explored so you don’t have to pay a fortune.

It is not just enough to have the car that is being driven insured. The person with the learner’s permit has to be added and this is because they will be behind the wheel on occasion. If you have a permit, the insurance company is taking on more liability with you on the road and this is why policies generally go up.

A car insurance policy may be more affordable in Denver than you think. It’s possible to contact multiple companies to provide a cost for insurance. Coverage can vary as well and you will want to have as much coverage as possible so you’re protected.

Call one of our agents today so we can help you find affordable car insurance in Colorado. We can add a permit, get quotes, and generally help you build and buy a policy that works for you and your budget.

4 Tips For Finding Car Insurance In Denver

Denver, Colorado is known as the “Mile High” city. It has a large population and is metropolitan. Many people commute into the city for work every day. There are also many tourist destinations in and around the city, particularly during the winter when there is a lot of snow on the ground.

Shopping for car insurance within Denver can be advantageous. If you go with the first company and the first policy, it may not be the best one and you could end up overpaying.

There are some tips to help you find the right policy.

1. Work with agents

Agents are independent and therefore can tell you what you need to know about car insurance in the 80212 zip code without being loyal to one company over another.

2. Make comparisons

There are many insurance companies throughout Colorado and you want to know what each has to offer. If you don’t make comparisons, you could be buying the most expensive policy to be had without even knowing it.

3. Know the coverage you want

Take the time to look at the coverage you want for your car. This may vary based upon the kind of car you have and whether it is new or used and whether you are buying or leasing.

4. Listen to the options

The state of Colorado has minimum levels of liability insurance you must have. Beyond that, your car insurance in 80212 can have various other levels of coverage. This includes collision and comprehensive coverage.

We have the best agents who can provide you with quotes from multiple companies. We will make comparisons, help you with the coverage levels, and explain all the options. This makes it easy to make the best decision when it comes to insuring your car in Denver, Colorado.



Partner Carriers

  • Agile Premium Finance
  • Allstate
  • Attune
  • BackNine
  • biBerk
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  • BTIS
  • Chubb
  • CNA Commercial
  • Coterie
  • Cover Whale
  • Covr
  • Cowbell
  • Dairyland
  • Encompass
  • Falcon Insurance
  • FCF Premium Finance
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  • Mexipass
  • Nationwide Insurance