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Colorado Insurance Blog

Automobile insurance Needs For Older Policyholders

Factually stated, not any of us are getting any younger. Serving the Denver, CO area the varied age folks at AFI Insurance treat each customer with respect and courtesy, informing all clients what their insurance responsibilities are so there are no surprises in the event of an accident. Like everything else, things change with our driving habits and abilities as we age. As a result, our automobile insurance needs change since effective insurance reflects our individual status.

Most states follow the mandate that states that insurance rates are higher for those drivers who are under 25 and over 65. The rates change for older drivers as a natural course that they are more likely to get into accidents due to declining vision along with other health concerns. State to state statistics bears out this truism as younger drivers are more likely to get into accidents due to being more impulsive and less careful.

Defend Yourself

Fortunately, we can enact counter measures to combat the natural effects of aging by proactively becoming better drivers. Taking defensive driving classes as well as other extracurricular driving instruction is a great idea for older drivers. Undergoing special eye examinations that test for driving acuity is yet another helpful measure to ensure safety. Actively becoming a better more informed driver is the key to remaining vital on the road.

Whether you are interested in purchasing insurance for your home, auto, or life, the conscientious staff at AFI Insurance can give you the information you need to make an informed decision about taking care of the business of protecting your assets and your peace of mind. Also we have insurance products to protect your commercial interests as well. Centrally located in beautiful “Mile High City,” (that’s plain old Denver, CO to you non-Denverites) come into our office at 3900 West 38th today.

Auto Insurance in Denver, CO

Auto insurance is mandatory for drivers in the United States. Drivers in Colorado must meet the minimum criteria to auto insurance liability, or comprehensive coverage depending on their driving record. AFI Insurance of Denver offers auto insurance to drivers in Colorado State.

The main categories of auto insurance available to Colorado drivers:

Liability Coverage – the mandated minimum auto insurance requirement every Colorado driver must meet to register a vehicle and driver in the state, covers another driver’s injuries and property damage after an accident claim.

Property Coverage – auto collision coverage compensates for vehicle repairs or replacement in response to an accident or vandalism claim.

Medical Coverage – compensates an insured for any medical bills hospitalization, funeral expenses, as well as lost wages due to injury.

Comprehensive Coverage – a single policy combining liability coverage, property damages, and medical expenses.

Colorado auto insurance premiums are indexed at a higher rate. Depending on a driver’s accident and traffic ticket record, auto liability insurance may be supplemented with collision or part of a comprehensive auto insurance agreement. Comprehensive auto insurance policies cover medical bills, vehicle repair bills, and attorney fees if a lawsuit should ensue after an accident claim.

A driving record that has negative marks for accidents or traffic tickets may be categorized as a risk; requiring a driver to meet comprehensive auto coverage requirements to register a vehicle, as well as apply or renew a license. Colorado drivers with a good driving record may benefit from discounts offered through their insurer. Ask your insurance broker about your eligibility for a good driver discount.

To find out about auto insurance coverage policy premiums, claims grace periods, and terms and conditions in Colorado, and to request a quote, contact AFI Insurance, Denver CO.

Tips for Preparing for Winter Weather

When you hear about Denver, CO, one might think of snowfall; the arid conditions actually bring only 8 to 15 inches of annual precipitation, which it gives residents over 300 days of sunshine a year. The average temperature is 45 degree Fahrenheit and the mountains remain snowcapped throughout winter. Because it is sunny so much in Denver the snow spells rarely last more than two day, which can create water damage from the melting snow.

Winter in Denver, CO can be a fun time for skiing and snowboarding, but it can be hard on one’s home. That’s why there are special precautions that should be taken to prepare one’s home for winter weather. The first thing that can be done is to make sure your heating system is working properly and if it is in need of a tune up. Another easy tip is to switch your ceiling fan in reverse. That may seem silly, but it can help when you turn on your heat because it will produce an updraft and push down the heat. Next, check your roof for missing or broken shingles because the melting snow can get heavy and may leak during a winter storm. This is why having homeowners insurance that covers roof leaks in the Denver, CO area is so important. You can also caulk in the window frames and door frames and gaps between the sidings. Silicon’s caulk is best for harsh exteriors because it won’t shrink and is impervious to the winter elements. Cleaning your gutters that are full of detritus can back up water which can then damage the roofing, siding, and even wood trim. That can even cause leaks and ice dams. These are just a few tips to deal with the winter weather in Denver, CO.

You can also caulk in the window frames and door frames and gaps between the sidings. Silicon’s caulk is best for harsh exteriors because it won’t shrink and is impervious to the winter elements. Cleaning your gutters that are full of detritus can back up water which can then damage the roofing, siding, and even wood trim. That can even cause leaks and ice dams. These are just a few tips to deal with the winter weather in Denver, CO.

Driving Safety Tips

The holiday season is a busy one. The weather is changing, people are driving more and it gets dark earlier. Also, people are stressed, tired, and unfortunately, sometimes driving while under the influence. This is a time to ensure that you and your family stay safe on the road. Here are some tips to help you out:

Be Extra Vigilant

Now is the time to practice an extra dose of defensive driving. People may not be paying attention or they may be driving erratically. This happens when the weather changes and people fail to adjust their driving to the new conditions. Always be sure to leave plenty of room and keep your eyes open for problems.

Don’t Be A Part Of The Problem

Rush hour traffic, holiday shopping, bad weather and general holiday stress can have you hurrying and even agitated. Don’t give in to the urge to speed or engage in road rage. Remember that the most important thing is that you and your family arrive safely at your destination.

Report Drunk Drivers

If you see someone driving erratically, it’s important to report it. Of course, you will pull over before making any phone calls, or have a passenger make the calls for you.

Use Devices With Caution

MP3 players, GPS devices and smartphones are all great to have on the road, but they present a huge hazard when you are driving. Always set your GPS before you leave. Don’t give in to the temptation to mess with your playlist or fidget with your GPS device while driving. Pull over if need be. It only takes a split second!

Finally, be sure your car is in good working condition and properly maintained. Also, be sure that your vehicle coverage is up to date and still providing you with the proper amount of protection. If you aren’t sure, contact your Denver, CO insurance representative today.

How Can Home Insurance Protect Your Assets?

Protecting your personal assets and home equity are important priorities for you and your family, which is why an effective home insurance policy is so critical. These policies help you rebuild your home in the event of major damage, or they can help you replace personal property lost attributable to events out of your control. These two benefits are just a small example of how insurance can protect your assets.

If you’re subject to a lawsuit and are found liable for damages or medical payments, home insurance can help absorb some of those costs, allowing you to keep your home. This type of protection is critical for the peace and security of your family. Also, if your personal property is damaged due to theft or some other type of uncontrollable event, you can likely recover the worth of your assets.

If your home is damaged by a natural disaster, you may need special coverage options such as flood and fire insurance, to cover the cost of the damage. This makes it critical to understand the area that you live in, so that you can optimize your home insurance coverage. While Denver, CO is a beautiful place to live, it’s not without risks and threats to your home equity. The right insurance can make these risks less daunting.

You’ve worked long and hard all your life to accumulate your home equity and personal possessions, which means you need adequate home insurance to mitigate risks. Whether you’re looking for AFI insurance or specific coverage limits in Denver, CO, talking to a qualified and experienced insurance rep is key for effective policy selection.

How to Prepare Your Car For Winter in Denver, CO

Winter is nearly upon us once again. For most Denver, CO residents, the winter is their favorite time of the year due to the colder temperatures and the bevy of winter activities available in the area. Without a properly working vehicle, you will struggle with things like getting to work on time. The colder temperatures of winter can cause a car to perform sluggishly if it has not been maintained properly. When trying to get your vehicle ready for the coming winter weather, here are some of the things you need to do.

Checking the Condition Of Your Tires

The only part of your vehicle that actually touches the ground are the tires. As time goes by, the rubber that your tires are made of will begin to deteriorate. Before the roads begin to ice over due to colder winter temperatures in the Denver, CO area, you will need to get your tires checked out by a professional. If the tires are worn, it will be very hard for them to grip the road tightly when ice is present. This can lead to accidents and a lot of damage being done to your vehicle. Getting a new set of tires will help you stay safe regardless of the road conditions.

Ensuring the Car’s Heater is Working Properly

In order to combat the ice cold temperatures that winter can bring, your car’s heater will have to be working properly. If things like the heater core begin to leak, you will need to get it replaced before winter arrives. Taking the vehicle to a mechanic who is familiar with automotive heating systems is the only way to ensure there are no repair issues to address. If components of the heating system are broken, the mechanic will be able to replace them quickly.

Making sure that you have adequate car insurance coverage is easy when working with AFI Insurance. The team at AFI Insurance have the experience needed to get you the best possible coverage for the best price.

How to Prepare Your Car For Winter in Denver, CO

Winter is nearly upon us once again. For most Denver, CO residents, the winter is their favorite time of the year due to the colder temperatures and the bevy of winter activities available in the area. Without a properly working vehicle, you will struggle with things like getting to work on time. The colder temperatures of winter can cause a car to perform sluggishly if it has not been maintained properly. When trying to get your vehicle ready for the coming winter weather, here are some of the things you need to do.

Checking the Condition Of Your Tires

The only part of your vehicle that actually touches the ground are the tires. As time goes by, the rubber that your tires are made of will begin to deteriorate. Before the roads begin to ice over due to colder winter temperatures in the Denver, CO area, you will need to get your tires checked out by a professional. If the tires are worn, it will be very hard for them to grip the road tightly when ice is present. This can lead to accidents and a lot of damage being done to your vehicle. Getting a new set of tires will help you stay safe regardless of the road conditions.

Ensuring the Car’s Heater is Working Properly

In order to combat the ice cold temperatures that winter can bring, your car’s heater will have to be working properly. If things like the heater core begin to leak, you will need to get it replaced before winter arrives. Taking the vehicle to a mechanic who is familiar with automotive heating systems is the only way to ensure there are no repair issues to address. If components of the heating system are broken, the mechanic will be able to replace them quickly.

Making sure that you have adequate car insurance coverage is easy when working with AFI Insurance. The team at AFI Insurance have the experience needed to get you the best possible coverage for the best price.

Why You Need Auto Insurance

In the most simple sense, auto insurance is essentially just smart planning.  This planning can end up saving you from surprises that can be expensive and even sometimes devastating.

When you consider your complete financial plan, auto insurance needs to be a part of it.  It is actually a very powerful tool that can assist with:

  • Safeguarding the investment that you have made in your vehicle
  • Paying for any medical bills incurred by a vehicular accident
  • Shielding you from expensive damages that can be the result of a lawsuit related to an accident
  • Guarding your valuable assets that you have worked so diligently to collect.  These can include things like bonds or stock investments, retirement funds, and even your home.
  • Protecting you from under insured or even uninsured motorists
  • Paying for damages and repairs that can be caused by natural disasters, vandalism and/or theft
  • Strengthening your overall peace of mind…each and every time you hit the road.

It is important to remember that not all of the auto insurance policies out there, and carriers of insurance for that matter, are created equally.  You need to ensure that you have a complete understanding of your specific policy.  This includes knowing what exactly needs to be protected and how each option of your policy covers it, or doesn’t.

AFI Insurance, in Denver, CO can actually assist you in targeting the level of insurance coverage that will best suit your needs.  They can also reveal savings and discounts that can be quite valuable while also pinpointing the requirements in Colorado.  They can also help you by letting you know what other people are covering.  As soon as you get the chance, you should call or come by to make sure that you have the coverage you need right when you need it.


The Basics of Auto Insurance

Auto insurance, especially if it is something that you are not used to looking at on a regular basis, can be very complicated. It is easy to fall into a trap and end up paying too much for insurance you do not need. Instead of guessing when you are looking at auto insurance, it is important to learn the basics. These tips from AFI Insurance serving Denver, CO, can help you prepare for your auto insurance search.

  • Not all auto insurance policies are created equally. When you are in the market for an auto insurance policy, you may find a lot of varying policies and prices from various companies. It is important, however, to keep in mind that not all polices are the same. Different companies have different reputations and the makeup of the policy can differ vastly.
  • It may be required by state law to have auto insurance. Auto insurance is something that you cannot avoid in some states. There are many states that set forth a minimum coverage amount in order for you to operate a vehicle that you own. It is important to know what these minimums are so you find a policy that meets these requirements.
  • A low price is not usually a good thing. If you are comparing policies and find that one price is substantially lower, it is often because the company offers insurance that is cut rate and has many gaps in coverage. You should examine these policies carefully before you sign up for them because you could end up with insurance that does not meet your needs or a company that will not help you.

If you are in the market for auto insurance or you would like to get some quotes, be sure to contact AFI Insurance serving Denver, CO.

How to best keep your car clean in Denver, Colorado

You will undoubtedly need a car in Denver, Colorado and along with the cost of it and driving it will come the responsibility of setting up an auto insurance policy with AFI Insurance, who serves the greater Denver area. However, you will also need to get into the habit of keeping your vehicle clean, as there is a wide variety of seasons in the central Colorado area. If you don’t, not only will your car look filthy and lose some resale value over time, but it can be dangerous, due to lower visibility on windows and mirrors which can lead to an accident. Below are some ways to best keep your car clean in Denver, Colorado.


Pay attention to the local weather in Denver, so that you aren’t washing your car right before a rain or snow storm. This will save you money and make all your car cleaning more useful when rain or snow doesn’t immediately dirty up your vehicle again.


Clean your windows and mirrors regularly to ensure you have the best possible visibility in your car when driving in Denver. While you can use basic window cleaners and rags, the best way to clean these smooth surfaces in your car is with alcohol, vinegar and water mixed together and then wiped down with old newspaper. This cheap solution can be kept in your garage or even in your trunk so you can clean these surfaces with ease.


After you wash your vehicle, make sure you spend a little extra money and time to wax it. This will keep it’s exterior looking nice and clean and also make it easier to clean in the future, saving you both time and money.



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