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Colorado Insurance Blog

Auto Insurance Add Ons

When it comes to your auto insurance you will need to consider a number of variables. It isn’t just about protecting your vehicle, taking out liability insurance, and other forms of personal insurance protection. There are secondary auto insurance add-ons you’ll want to consider. Ultimately it depends on your vehicle and what kind of protection you’re interested in. However, if you live in greater Denver, CO our staff here at AFI Insurance is here to help. 

Roadside Assistance

You never know when your vehicle might break down. Whether it is a dead battery while out shopping or you blow a tire while on the highway, paying a tow truck to come out and service your vehicle is expensive. Often you pay by the mile, which really adds up. However, with the roadside assistance, you’ll avoid these costly expenses. 

Vehicle Upgrades

Have you made upgrades to your stock vehicle? Perhaps you installed a new stereo system. Or maybe you love to tweak your pickup and have added performance shocks, new LED lighting, and other upgrades. Whatever you’ve done with your vehicle, chances are you don’t want to pay for everything out of pocket a second time. However, if you don’t insure these vehicle upgrades there’s a good chance you’ll be forced to unless you have added insurance for the vehicle upgrades. It’s a good idea to contact your insurance provider whenever you make a large upgrade to your vehicle. 

Finding The Right Auto Insurance Add On Coverage

There is no limit to add-on coverage options. It just comes down to what kind of vehicle you own, whether you want to cover certain aspects of the driving experience, as well as how much insurance you can afford. Whatever your budget though and regardless of the vehicle, if you live in greater Denver, CO our staff here at AFI Insurance is here to assist. 

Why you Need to Get Auto Insurance in Colorado

For a lot of people in the Denver, CO area, owning a car is a necessity. If you do own a car in this area, it is important that you consider all of your insurance needs. There are several reasons why you will need to have a quality auto insurance policy when you have a car in the Denver area. 

Required by State Laws

One reason why you will need to get auto insurance in this area is because it is required by state law. Similar to other states, Colorado requires that all drivers on public roads carry liability auto insurance at all times. This form of auto insurance will ensure that you are able to pay for damages that you cause during an accident. If you do not have this insurance, you could face a variety of penalties if you are caught without it. 

Provides Protection for Car

While the liability auto insurance is all that is required by law, you also will want to get insurance to protect your car. If you have a car that you depend on and want to be able to replace or repair without coming too far out of pocket, getting auto insurance is a necessity. In these situations, you will want to get a full comprehensive and collision policy that will give you coverage for a wide range of risks and situations.

For those that are in the Denver, CO area and shopping for auto insurance, a great company to contact is AFI Insurance. When you speak with the team at AFI Insurance, you can be assured that you will receive great support and coverage. They will help to review your particular situation to ensure that you are getting into the right policy for your situation. 

Is Collision Insurance Good Enough if I Put a Lien on My Car?

Agents who sell auto insurance offer both collision and comprehensive types of coverage. While collision is fine if you own your vehicle, it may not be sufficient if you put a lien on it. The agents of AFI Insurance offer Denver, CO residents advice on what type of insurance is best for them. If they choose to take out a loan and use your vehicle as collateral, you may need to upgrade your policy.

Protecting Their Investment

When you put a lien on your vehicle, the lien holder will want to protect their investment. This usually means that they will request an update to your policy that switches it from collision to comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage will cover the cost of the vehicle if it is totaled during an accident.

Buy Yourself or Allow Them to Add it to the Loan

Depending on where you get your loan, the lender may put the cost of the comprehensive cover as part of your policy. This ensures the coverage will never lapse and that the premiums are paid on time every month. In some cases, the bank may be able to get the policy at a lower cost.

In Denver, CO, residents who put their car up for collateral on a small loan will need to talk to the agents at AFI Insurance to find out what they need to do with their insurance policy. Speaking to an agent will ensure that you have the type of coverage you need in place at all times. Visit the office and talk to an agent so your vehicle is fully covered. 

Why do I need to carry collision and comprehensive insurance

Denver, CO is a challenging city to drive in, there is no other way to describe it. With about 20 cities that make up the Denver metro area, you will have a lot of company anytime you are on the road which is a shame since the views of the mountains are quite spectacular. When it comes to why I need to carry collision and comprehensive insurance AFI Insurance is here to help you by answering any question you may have about your current coverage or coverage you are considering.

The most obvious answer to the question of do I need to carry collision and comprehensive insurance is yes if you have a loan on your vehicle or are leasing a vehicle. The DMV in Colorado only requires that you carry liability insurance to protect other drivers from you but they do not require that you protect your own vehicle. 

Collision insurance covers the repair and replacement of your vehicle damaged in an accident with another vehicle where you are at fault. If you are driving an old car with little value, then you probably don’t need to carry collision coverage. If however, repairing or replacing your vehicle would be a financial hardship for you, having collision coverage may be worthwhile. 

Comprehensive coverage is for damage that is caused by something other than a collision with another vehicle. Glass coverage is usually part of your comprehensive insurance and one of the main coverages is theft. If your vehicle has value and is stolen, there is no guarantee that it will ever be recovered. If it would be hard to replace your vehicle, you may want to consider getting this coverage. 

Whether you are a new driver or an experienced pro, we have the information that you need. Give AFI Insurance a call or stop by our Denver, CO office and let us give you a no-obligation quote.

Factors That Affect Teen-aged Drivers’ Insurance Rates in Colorado

When your Denver, CO teen drives with their instruction permit with a licensed adult’s supervision, they are not required to carry their own automobile insurance policy. However, once they start driving solo, they’ll need auto insurance, too. There are two main factors that weigh in on the cost of your teen’s insurance coverage that typically leads to a more expensive policy.  

Age of Teen Driver 

Due to the fact that the risk of being in a collision is significantly higher for teen drivers, policy premiums typically are as much as three times as expensive for teens than drivers in their mid-thirties. Even though they only account for 7 percent of all licensed drivers, drivers between 15 and 20 years of age were responsible for more than 10 percent of all fatal accidents, as well. Insurance providers have to charge more for insurance coverage for teens because they have to pay out more in claims to that age group. The good news is, with a clean driving record, and more experience under their belt, once your teen hits 25, their auto insurance premiums could drop by 30 percent. 

Auto is Owned and Licensed by Teen 

When the vehicle your teen is driving in Denver, CO is owned by them, they are on the car’s title, and they are paying for auto insurance, it is assumed that they are the main driver of the vehicle and their premiums are adjusted for their specific risks.  

How Can a Teen Driver’s Insurance Premiums Be Reduced? 

One of the ways to reduce your teen’s auto insurance premiums is to add them to your own policy. On average, it costs almost half as much to add a teen to your AFI Insurance policy than for them to start their own. Because you are taking on part of the risk, their premiums will be lower. Keep in mind that adding your teen to your existing policy will make your premiums significantly more expensive.  

For more information on factors that can reduce your teen driver’s auto insurance premiums, call the insurance experts at AFI Insurance today. 

Most and least expensive cars for insurance

The type of car you have will affect your insurance rates. Generally speaking, cheaper cars cost less to insure, and more expensive cars cost more. Expensive cars cost more to repair, and high-performance cars are more likely to be involved in an accident, which is part of the overall formula for determining insurance rates.  AFI Insurance, serving Denver, CO is here to help you find the right insurance for your situation, and can even help you find a car that will cost less to insure.

The Honda Odyssey is the cheapest vehicle for insurance and is a relatively low-cost family type vehicle. The Odyssey is a minivan, and they have the lowest insurance rates. The most expensive car for insurance is the Nissan GT-R, a hot sports car that sells for just over $100,000.  The difference between these two vehicles insurance costs is about $2,000 per year.

On the high end of the spectrum, the Mercedes Maybach is the second most expensive. Mercedes-Benz takes five of the top 10 spots, and BMW takes three.  The Porsche Panamera is the only other vehicle in the top 10. Luxury and performance are part of the reason.

At the lower end are family type cars like SUV’s or minivans. The Kia Forte, Nissan Versa, and Audi A4 are among the cheapest. Mercedes-Benz also has one at the lower end of insurance costs, which is the C-Class four-door. At the lower end prices are lower and repairs cost less.

 Call of visit AFI Insurance, which serves the Denver, CO area today to learn more about your insurance options, and to find the best policy for you.  Regardless of the type of car you end up with,  we will help you find the best insurance and make sure you have the coverage you need.

The Benefits of Emergency Roadside Specialty Insurance

You’re always told to expect the unexpected but no one is ever ready to be stranded on the side of the road with a broken down vehicle. Instead of getting caught in this type of situation with no resources, talk to the agents at AFI Insurance. They serve the entire Denver, CO area and can provide you with all of the insurance coverage you need for your vehicles, home, and business. They even offer Emergency Roadside Specialty Insurance for when the unexpected occurs and you are stuck along the side of the road.

Covers Towing Costs

Aside from your repairing your car, the tow bill that you receive after having your car towed off the road and to the shop can be extremely costly. When your car breaks down along the highway, it usually happens when you are miles from anywhere. This can lead to a tow bill that ends up being in the hundreds of dollars. Emergency roadside insurance takes care of the tow bill and makes sure that your vehicle gets where it needs to be.

Transportation Home

Once your car has been towed to the repair shop, you need to find your way to a hotel or to your home. Having roadside insurance covers the cost of getting you to the nearest hotel or safely home. It ensures you will always have a way to safety.

At AFI Insurance, the agents know the frustration of being stranded along the roadside and are always available to help Denver, CO residents get the specialty insurance they need. Don’t take a chance of being stranded! Call and talk to one of their reputable agents today!


What Happens When An Uninsured Motorist Hits Your Car?

Unfortunately, not every driver on the road in Denver, CO has insurance. If such a person hits your car, you do have options, especially if you already have an auto insurance policy from AFI Insurance. Here’s what you need to know.

How an Accident with an Uninsured Motorist Can Devastate You

When a collision occurs, the insurance of the at-fault driver should pay for the damages you sustain. Those damages can include repairs to your vehicle, medical bills, and even lost wages. When an uninsured motorist is an at-fault driver, there’s no insurance company, leaving you dealing with the expenses.

An accident with someone with no insurance can negatively affect your life in profound and critical ways. You can attempt to sue the motorist directly, but odds are that individual will not have the assets to cover any of your damages.

Why You Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured motorist coverage exists specifically for dealing with accidents with uninsured motorists. Often, this insurance option comes with underinsured motorist coverage as well. Some people may have insurance, but not enough insurance. In either case, these policies will kick in to help cover you.

Uninsured motorist coverage isn’t mandatory in Colorado, so you have to add it to your policy. When you make a claim, you will make it against your policy’s coverage limit, which your insurance company will pay.

What to Do If You’re In an Accident with an Uninsured Motorist

If you’re in an accident, make sure you’re okay. If not, seek police and medical attention immediately. If you can, check on the other driver. If the driver is amendable, you can gather information. Try to get the person’s name, contact information, and possibly a signed statement. You can give all this information to your insurance company with your claim.

Uninsured motorist accidents happen frequently in Denver, CO. Don’t wait too long before you add uninsured motorist coverage to your policy. Contact AFI Insurance today to learn more about uninsured and underinsured coverage for you and your vehicle.

Four Ways to Protect Your Vehicles

If you have a vehicle of your own, then you understand how important it is to protect it. Your vehicle is your means of transportation and you want to do all you can to make sure it lasts as long as possible. The longer it lasts, the longer you can keep from having to go buy a new one. Here at AFI Insurance serving Denver, CO, we put together a bit of helpful information to help you understand how to protect your car. 

Get Auto Insurance

Everyone who owns or drives a vehicle needs auto insurance. You are sure to rest easier at night knowing you are protected with auto insurance because if something was to happen, your policy could kick in and provide awesome coverage. The level of coverage you have is, of course, going to be determined by the type of policy you have. You will need to speak with your agent to get a good understanding of your policy. 

Keep Them in a Garage

Instead of living your vehicles out on the streets or in a driveway, you should keep them in a garage if possible; this helps protect them against thieves.

Don’t Park Near Other Cars

When parking, try to park away from the other cars; this helps ensure you don’t get door banged or people don’t lean up against your car when walking by it and accidentally scratch it. 

Keep Them Locked at All Times

Lastly, you will want to keep your doors on your car locked at all times. Even if you don’t keep anything valuable in your car, you want to make sure no one gets in and vandalizes it. 

To learn more about protecting your car, contact AFI Insurance serving the Denver, CO area today.

Why is RTV Insurance Important?

RTV (return to value) insurance is a form of gap insurance for vehicles that are owned for more than 3 months but are not more than 7 years old. This coverage applies to all modes of car purchase – a bank loan, cash, and contract hire leasing agreements. If the insurance company declares your vehicle a total loss because it got stolen or damaged beyond repair, the RTV insurance will provide coverage against the depreciating value of the vehicle. If you’re living in Denver, CO or surrounding areas, you can get this coverage from insurers like AFI Insurance.
What’s the importance of RTV insurance?
This insurance plan offers coverage against any financial loss if your vehicle is stolen and cannot be recovered or when the vehicle is unsafe to repair, meaning that the repair costs are higher than the vehicle’s value.
Below are some benefits of RTV insurance:
  • Refunds depreciation
  • All benefits are paid to the customer directly
  • • The cover is provided for 4 years
  • Once a vehicle is on coverage, there are no mileage limits
  • It protects the customer’s investment
  • It replaces the auto with a similar vehicle
  • Once the vehicle is delivered, one can buy the insurance coverage for up to seven years
  • The coverage is backed by FCA’s protection norms
  • The coverage is designed for vehicles that were bought privately or from any garage that doesn’t have VAT registration.
Reason RTV insurance is valuable
If you have this coverage, you can be sure that you will be protected in case your car is lost or destroyed beyond repair. Most stolen cars are never recovered despite the best efforts, so the insurance providers often declare them a total loss. This is why you need RTV insurance.
You can now get your RTV insurance from AFI Insurance that serves Denver, CO and surrounding areas. Contact us today for a quote.



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