Auto insurance is vital, but regrettably, you will find motorists in Denver, CO operating their vehicles without car insurance. Most car owners in Denver, CO view car insurance as a recurring annual expense. Nevertheless, when unexpected strikes like an accident, it is time they realize how auto insurance is a fundamental tool and add-ons are. At AFI Insurance, we offer outstanding auto insurance blended with add-ons to ensure that Denver, CO drivers are perfectly safeguarded against imminent perils like theft and fire. Below are add-ons you can consider to enhance your auto insurance policy.
Road assistance coverage
Have you ever been stranded on the road with a punctured tire or failed engine in Denver, CO? It can be stressful. Having road assistance coverage eliminates all worries of feeling helpless. This form of coverage offers services such as battery jumpstart, gas delivery, puncture repairs, and minor roadside repairs whenever your car is unfunctional away from home.
Zero depreciation cover
This kind of add-on ensures car owners in Denver, CO gets the entire claim of the repair or replacement cost without factoring in depreciation. Devoid this crucial protection, you might have to cover the difference between the actual cost of repair and the insured value.
Consumable cover
Most consumables such as oil, nuts, and bolts are not catered to by insurance during claim times. Acquiring this form of add-on can save on all those consumables that will get covered no matter how small they seem to be. It extends cover to expenses emanating from consumables that are unfit for future utilization, resulting from damage after an accident.
Engine protection cover
Your car engine is one of the most vital components. This importance warrants a solidified car insurance for your engine. This coverage is very instrumental if you reside in areas that experience heavy downpours. Engine damage is likely to crop up when you start your car with a wet engine. Standard auto insurance coverage doesn’t protect against engine damage; therefore, engine protection cover salvages you from damage costs for your engine.
Do you need auto insurance in Denver, CO? Don’t look beyond AFI Insurance. Please call or visit our offices in Denver, CO. Our agents will help you customize auto insurance enhanced with add-ons that match your needs and budget.