If you’re purchasing a new car, you might consider changes to your auto insurance. You’ll need to purchase a policy if you don’t currently own a car and don’t have car insurance. Our agents at AFI Insurance in Denver, CO can help you find the right auto insurance. Full coverage car insurance is a common choice for new car drivers. Here’s what you need to know.
Understanding Full Coverage Car Insurance
Full-coverage car insurance is a comprehensive policy that covers various issues that could affect your vehicle. From theft to collisions, it helps drivers repair or replace their vehicles when a covered event occurs.
Who Should Consider Full Coverage Car Insurance?
Owners of new or high-value vehicles often choose full-coverage auto insurance. Because replacing high-value vehicles can be expensive, this coverage can make them more affordable.
Is Full Coverage Car Insurance Mandatory?
If you’re buying a new car with a loan, your lender may require you to have full coverage insurance. Before finalizing your purchase, talk to your lender to determine if you’ll need full car insurance coverage. Your loan won’t be approved unless you prove you have this type of insurance.
Are you interested in learning more about full-coverage car insurance for your new vehicle? Contact AFI Insurance in Denver, CO, to make your purchase.