When you have a toy that has an engine in it, it is always a good idea to have insurance on it. This will help protect you if someone is injured n it and if something happens to it and you need to replace or fix it. The same is true for a jet ski. Since a jet ski is usually used mostly in the summer months, many people wonder if they should actually keep the insurance on it during the time they are not using it. Here at AFI Insurance, serving Denver, CO, we recommend keeping it and below is why
Even though you are not using your jet ski on a regular basis, you should still keep it covered by an insurance policy. This is because you do not know what will happen to it when it is stored away. If a tree falls on it during this time and you do not have coverage, then you will simply have to replace it on your own without the help from your insurance policy. Additionally, you cannot keep an eye on it at all times and if someone were to take it out for a spin and damage it or even injure themselves, you would be help liable, even though you had no idea it was happening. Because of these reasons, it is always a good idea to keep it covered no matter what season it is.
If you have a jet ski and you would like to get an insurance policy on it, be sure to contact us today at AFI Insurance, serving Denver, CO. We can help you find the right policy that will best protect you and your jet ski while also making sure that the policy fits within your budget all year long.