If you love feeling the wind blowing through your hair when you’re on your bike, good news: Colorado does not require you to wear a helmet if you are over the age of eighteen, and as long as you are driving with a full license and not a permit.
This being said, do yourself a favor and wear your helmet anyway. Riding without a helmet is one of those things where just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should. At the very least, it looks better to a provider like AFI Insurance when you’re a safe rider. Denver, CO might not require you to wear a helmet, but it’s incredibly dangerous to ride without protection.
Put it this way: How many bike riders do you know who have never been thrown off their bikes? Probably not very many. The danger with riding a bike is that you’re just as likely to get into minor fender benders and smash ups as anyone in a car, but when you crash on a bike, it’s not your bumper that takes the hit, it’s your body.
This is to say that the way to stay safe as a bike is to essentially treat an accident as an inevitability. You’ve seen how some of these people drive, and how little respect many of them have for bikes. No matter how fast your response time is on the bike, you can’t account for everyone else’s bad driving.
An insurance policy with AFI Insurance can help you to cover the damages should you get in an accident, but making sure that you’re protected with the proper gear is your job.